We want YOU to weigh in on Island County’s Comprehensive Plan
If your eyes glaze over when you hear “government planning”, you are not alone! But the Island County Comprehensive Plan revision process, running through June of 2025, is critical to our Island future. It will guide County decisions on everything from housing, transportation, and natural resources, over the next twenty years. New this year, Comprehensive Plans must now address climate resilience as well. How will we “bounce back better,” in the face of rising seas, intensifying summer droughts and heavier rainstorms? The County wants your input and you will not be ignored!
What is a Comprehensive Plan? The State’s Growth Management Act of 1990 requires fast growing Counties and Cities to develop a comprehensive plan (a.k.a. “Comp Plan”), to serve as the centerpiece of local planning. A comprehensive plan articulates a series of goals and policies that are intended to guide day-to-day decisions by elected officials and local government staff.
Why is Comprehensive Planning required? The Growth Management Act has many goals for managing population growth: to encourage development in already urbanized areas, reduce sprawl, encourage efficient transportation systems, plan for affordable housing, and more.
Who is responsible for developing Island County’s Comprehensive Plan? The Island County Planning Department, in consultation with the Public Health Department, and others. The cities of Oak Harbor, Langley and Coupeville also develop their own Comprehensive Plans in communication with Island County.
For more details on Comprehensive Planning, see the
How do I engage on the Comprehensive Plan revision process?
Our Island County Planning Department is leading the charge to revise the Comprehensive Plan. You are encouraged to attend Island County Planning Commission meetings, where they regularly discuss Comprehensive Plan revision. The next meeting is Wednesday, November 1 at 6 PM. Climate Resilience is on the agenda! Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/95335273056?pwd=aTViUjZhM0xmYmR1eFdaU1NkcmhrQT09
To receive email updates on the Comp Plan revision process, send a note to long range planner Emily Neff. Ask her to add you to the list of those wanting Comp Plan updates. You can also attend any planning commission meeting, typically the first and third Wednesdays, at 6 PM. See upcoming meeting agendas.
Whidbey Climate ACTION is starting a collaboration with other Island groups to develop a set of shared priorities so that we can advocate with a shared voice. If you’re in a group that would like to help develop shared priorities please contact us.
We Need Climate Action & Planning NOW!