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And everyone is welcome to attend any of our WCA meetings.

[Climate] Economics for Real People


6:00 PM

FREE, 2 hours, Social & Snack at 5:45

Explore how “The Economy” bankrupts the future while harming real people living on the edge, right here, right now. Can we do something different here on Whidbey? Can we debunk the fairy tale of perpetual growth and replace it with a new story, one of a kinder, more fair and sustainable economy for all?

St. Hubert's Church, 804 3rd St, Langley

Zero Organic Waste


5:30 PM

FREE, 2 hours

Coordination between groups working to remove organics from the garbage stream and compost locally.

Bayview Cash Store, 2843 Howard Rd, Langley

Out in the Kitchen Garden


10:00 AM

FREE, registration, 3 hours, every Tue

Put your hands in the soil, put some seeds in the ground, surround yourself with the sounds of nature and laughter of friends. And, learn how to grow great food! Want to learn how to re-invigorate a plot so that it grows great food? Come join us. Each week, we'll learn how to do something by doing it, we'll laugh, we'll unplug, and we'll remember how simultaneously vulnerable and resilient the land is (we are too, by the way).

Organic Farm School, 6390 Maxwelton Road, Clinton

Support USL at School Board Meeting


6:30 PM

FREE, in-person and online

USL will present their new climate policy to the school board and is asking community members to come in support. Their new policy is intended to ensure the school district continues to focus on green policies despite the shifting political climate.

5380 Maxwelton Rd, Langley; and online (see Board Calendar link for Zoom info)

rePurpose Drop Off


12:00 PM

Members only, 2 hours.

Drop off reusables and hard to recycle items.

Location: see link

Out in the Kitchen Garden


10:00 AM

FREE, registration, 3 hours, every Tue

Put your hands in the soil, put some seeds in the ground, surround yourself with the sounds of nature and laughter of friends. And, learn how to grow great food!

Organic Farm School, 6390 Maxwelton Road, Clinton

rePurpose Drop Off


5:00 PM

Members only, 2 hours.

Drop off reusables and hard to recycle items.

Location: see link

Kicking Gas Info Session


6:00 PM

FREE, registration required, 1 hour.

In addition to sharing resources about ductless heat pumps, we will be providing subsidies for hot water and electric cooking which will further help decarbonize our region and strengthen our community in the face of the energy and climate challenges today and in the future.

Zoom link with registration

rePurpose Drop Off


2:00 PM

Members only, 3 hours.

Drop off reusables and hard to recycle items.

Location: see link

Climate Crisis Action Commission Meeting


4:00 PM

FREE, 1 1/2 hours

Monthly meeting of the commission. See link for agenda and location.

Location: see link

Artist’s Call Earth & Ocean


5:00 PM

FREE, 2/25 is the deadline for notification to submit

"Our Power, Our Planet" is the creative motivation for Goosefoot's annual art show held in conjunction with Whidbey Island’s Earth & Ocean Month. Notify Goosefoot by 2/25 and submit artwork by 3/5.

Bayview School building, 5611 Bayview Road, Langley

Get Growing Part 1


4:00 PM

FREE (donation), 2 hours

Three-part series on growing the best vegetable crops for Whidbey taught by Anza Muenchow, 30 years experience. Improve your health, get sustainable, lower CO2, save money, have fun! Part 1: Getting Started: soil preparation, early crops.

Freeland Library, 5495 S. Harbor Avenue, Freeland

Get Growing Part 2


4:00 PM

FREE (donation), 2 hours

Three-part series on growing the best vegetable crops for Whidbey taught by Anza Muenchow, 30 years experience. Improve your health, get sustainable, lower CO2, save money, have fun! Part 2: Crop planning, transplanting, raised beds, pests.

Freeland Library, 5495 S. Harbor Avenue, Freeland

Get Growing Part 3


4:00 PM

FREE (donation), 2 hours

Three-part series on growing the best vegetable crops for Whidbey taught by Anza Muenchow, 30 years experience. Improve your health, get sustainable, lower CO2, save money, have fun! Part 3: Plant families, best varieties, maximizing harvests.

Freeland Library, 5495 S. Harbor Avenue, Freeland

Thanks for subscribing!

Whidbey Climate ACTION

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