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And everyone is welcome to attend any of our WCA meetings.

Introduction to Permaculture

Introduction to Permaculture

Penny Livingston

5/9/24, 1:30 AM

The Whidbey Institute, 6449 Old Pietila Rd, Clinton

Join Penny Livingston for an introduction to the upcoming design course.

Whidbey Island Fair

Whidbey Island Fair

Whidbey Climate ACTION

7/25/24, 5:00 PM

Come join us at the Fair! We will have a table with some of our partners.

Through the 28th.

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

Climate Crisis Action Commission

5/16/24, 11:00 PM

Location: see agenda.

Langley City Council commission's monthly meeting (normally 3rd Thursday of the month).

Wildfire Prevention Conference

Wildfire Prevention Conference

Whidbey Climate ACTION

8/24/24, 4:00 PM

Whidbey Center for the Arts, Langley

Talks and information on what we can do to lower the chances of a wildfire on Whidbey Island. More information closer to the date.

Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course

Penny Livingston

6/20/24, 4:00 PM

The Whidbey Institute, 6449 Old Pietila Rd, Clinton

A transformational journey into regenerative living. This solution oriented, comprehensive program empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to design and create regenerative, resilient human based eco-systems.

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