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WATER was the recent subject of the Climate Change Conversations series. Conversations is an ongoing project to inform and engage people passionate about climate change and justice. Last year's successful event was How to Talk About Climate. And, we add to the conversations with this website, blog and emails. Help us produce these valuable events and communcations!
IRA Benefits
Largest climate bill in U.S. history
GHG reduction credits for homes, cars, industry
Total GHG saved projected at 1 billion metric tons
The federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is chock full of incentives and credits to cut our carbon pollution. Rewiring America provides this handy calculator for figuring out how much you could save. WCA is planning a webinar on the topic to help Whidbey residents, businesses and governments take full advantage of the IRA savings. If you have ideas or like to do research, please help! And check out our info.